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I am Sudhir Kumar.

In this blog you can find the interesting motivational stories, which can boost up your energy. Expecting your comments and feed backs.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

You Are What You Believe

The most important quality you can ever develop is having belief in yourself. The belief that you can, without a shadow of a doubt achieve success in every area of your life. Virtually every person has the capacity to do wonderful things with his or her life. But the greatest single obstacle for most people is self-doubt. Many people wish they could accomplish certain things but lack the belief that they can actually do it.

When people under achieve in any part of their life, it is their belief more than anything else that holds them back. Self-limiting beliefs acts as breaks on our ability to achieve our goals. Many of us have high hopes, dreams, and aspirations, but we let doubts creep in and undermine our talents, abilities, and effectiveness.

Each one of us has feelings of inferiority because we feel that we are not good enough. We think that we are not as good as other people, and we feel that we are not good enough to acquire and enjoy the things we want in life. Often we feel that we don’t deserve good things. Even if we work hard and have some achievements in our life, we often feel that we are not really entitled to our success.

The Universal Law of Belief says that whatever we believe, with feeling becomes our reality. We don’t believe what we see; instead, we see what we believe. Our beliefs form a screen as to how we see the world, and we never allow any information that is not consistent with our beliefs to pass through it. Even if we have beliefs that are totally inconsistent with reality, we won’t let them through because our beliefs have
become true for us.

The most common and also the most harmful beliefs are the ones that are selflimiting. These are beliefs about yourself. For example, believing that you can’t achieve something because you don’t have enough money or education. You might believe you can’t achieve something because you are the wrong sex, race, age or it is because of the economy. Most of these beliefs are not true, but neverthe less they can & they will hold
you back.

The fact is, you deserve every good thing that you are capable of acquiring through the use of your talents.
The only real limitation on what you can be and have is if you lack the desire. If you set a goal and you badly want to achieve it, nothing in the world can stop you from achieving it, as long as you’re willing to persist long and hard enough.

To develop positive beliefs, you have to decide exactly where you want to end up in the future. The clearer you are about the result you want in your future, the easier it will be for you to change your actions and behaviors in the short term. This in turn, will assure that you achieve what you want in the long term.

Once you’ve clearly decided on the type of person you want to be, you will have already taken a major first step in developing new beliefs. In order to incorporate your new beliefs into your every day life, you have to discipline yourself to act exactly in every situation as if you already were that person. When you begin to act like the successful person you want to become, you will actually adopt their values, qualities, and characteristics. And they will then become a permanent part of your personality.

If you consistently act like the person you want to become every day and in every situation it will begin a chain reaction. Your attitude will change and become more positive. This will then build stronger and more positive beliefs. And your beliefs will then, exert a positive influence on your values.

You have no limitations on your potential except for those that you believe you have. Successful people are not extraordinary or special in any way. They are not different from you or I. But, all successful people do have the unwavering belief that they can accomplish anything that they really want in life.

You are a good person. From this day forward, see yourself as the very best you can be, and refuse to accept any limitations on your possibilities. Once you develop that belief in yourself, and you act in accordance with your beliefs, your future will be unlimited.

“I Can - Not because I THINK I can ~ But because I Strongly BELIEVE That I Can”

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